Twenty years ago the owner Lyudmila Firov (Lucy) and her family immigrated to this country from the Ukraine. Beside the language barrier and having almost no money, adapting to the food was another major challenge.
In 1999 Lyudmila was diagnosed with kidney cancer. After the removal of one of her kidneys, her doctor, Dr. Plan, advised her to stay away from processed food in order to live a long healthy life. However, the mission of finding food that was not processed seemed impossible since almost everything sold at your average store is processed.
Luckily in 2009, a friend introduced Lyudmila to the Amish Country Town in Shipshewana, Indiana. Finally, she had found all natural, REAL food like she had back home. As she continued to go to the Amish every month with her friend, other friends of hers started requesting food for themselves.
Instead of dealing with the chaotic service at her home, the idea of opening an Amish resale grocery store blossomed. In November of 2010, Amish Healthy Foods opened at 1023 N Western Ave. Chicago, IL 60622.